Thursday, September 26, 2013


Through out the trip we have been taking these photos for this post, and we will probably do another post like this next week.

Dinner at Brovo 

Messing around in Costco
(which by the way has an indoor parking garage)

Jesse and Luke did Ellie's hair.
(above and below)

Roma's selfie

Luke taking a picture of Dad (Chris), taking a picture of Steven, taking a picture of a plant.

Jesse climbing a tree

Princess Lukey poo and Steve trying to take an attractive picture 

Luke, Steve, Ellie, and Tess being shopping carts at target

Jesse climbing another tree

Luke trying to be a rebel
(above and below)

First morning of trip.


  1. I thought you guys were going to see church sites?? I haven't seen pictures of that yet??? lol. j/k , this is actually a trip that you will always remember- "Dad-style" Looks like you guys are having fun and enjoying the journey. have fun. -diana

  2. Yeah... where are the church sites pics? Council Bluffs? Kirtland? Or are you really just on a wild trip of the states with no destination in mind? Looks suspicious to me...
